Our Approach

  • Personalized Learning : Our training  methods and content are customized for the individual’s aptitude. We ensure personal attention through ‘My Minutes’ – the pre-scheduled one-on-one interaction between the trainer and the trainee – to speed up learning and development in specific areas.
  • Mentor Mentee Match : Mentors in our programs are selected to match the mentee’s learning needs. This way, mentee gets practical inputs based on real life experiences.
  • Multiple Learning Formats : Our programs are aimed tat making ‘Design’ an interesting and approachable subject for everyone – be it kids, youngsters, adults or senior citizens. Therefore each program is formatted keeping in mind the attendees’ preferences.
  • Connect To Creativity: Through creative activities, we aim to deepen the individual’s connection with his or her own creativity. This ensures that creative learning continues even after the program concludes.