Are You Learning RT-RP-RW-RT ?

Learning is a process of knowing what you don’t know. And you learn the most from people who know and have also practiced what you want to learn !

Same goes for learning design skills.

DesignSteps is a system to boost your creative skills essential for admission to design and art schools. It uses powerful techniques as used by the design toppers and professionals in real life. We have satisfactorily tested these techniques in several training and design workshops already. So you can be sure of learning the right things (RT) !

DesignSteps is founded by awarded designers who started their own journeys as humble design ‘aspirants’, went on to be design school ‘toppers’, then design ‘students’, then ‘awarded design graduates’, then design ‘professionals’ and now are design ‘mentors’ with 20 years of international experience in design industry. So you can be sure of learning from the right people (RP) !

Each individual is unique and so is his or her creative potential. As experienced, creative professionals, we understand this. That’s why at DesignSteps, each student is given “My Minutes” – which is the regular, individual, one-on-one time with a design topper or professional, During this time, students are encouraged to ask questions and work towards developing specific skills. Isn’t that hard to find ? Though you would agree that’s the right way (RW) !

Designsteps takes pride in presenting you with the RT-RP-RW-RT, i.e. right things to learn, the right people to learn from, the right way of learning and…an opportunity to learn at the right time (RT) !

And the right time is always NOW.

Let’s get in touch !