Design For Career

Design Career


If you are a student seeking admission in a Design / Architecture / Arts college, our mentors will help you choose the right college and get you ready for the whole selection process ! Simply call, email or message us to schedule your FREE Counselling Session with a mentor by clicking here !



If you are a school and want to expose your students to career options in Design , Architecture or Arts, you can call us for a FREE Orientation Session at your premises. We can even run craft-based courses exclusively for your students. And boarding schools can get all our services delivered on campus ! Simply call, email or message us to schedule a meeting with our experts anytime by clicking here !


If you are a professional college and want to integrate creative courses in your curriculum, our qualified and experienced creative professionals will plan the courses, design the syllabus, organize resources and manage the whole show for you, totally based on your requirements.

Simply drop an email, make a call or send a message to us by clicking here !

Design For A Cause



If you are an NGO with a mission to make your people self-reliant, we will help by developing their technical and creative skills in handicrafts. We can also help by developing new products and markets with them. Simply call, email or message to discuss details  by clicking here !



If you are a corporate on philanthropic mission as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility, we will help by  bringing Design Innovation to your chosen projects of social and economic importance. You would agree that design is a major factor in brand differentiation for any business. Simply call, email or message us to discuss your plans in detail by clicking here !



No matter who you are, if you are planning a charitable event of some sort, we will be happy to contribute our creative skills. For example, we may conduct a FREE creative workshop in your event and proceeds can be donated to the charity. Or we may assist you with creative aspects of the event management ! To discuss more options, just call, email or message us by clicking here !

Design For Creativity

Design For Fun


If you are an individual or a group looking to take up a new hobby or simply have quality fun in your leisure, we will help you in fulfilling this goal with our customized courses and workshops in creative crafts ! Just call, email or message us about your interest simply by clicking here !



If you are a parent(s) conscious of creative development of your child, we offer creative workshops from time to time designed especially for children who are 6-16 years of age. You will also find it a constructive way to engage youngsters during holidays ! To stay informed about such workshops, follow us on Facebook/designstepsindia. You can also call, email or message us by clicking here !


Senior Citizens

If you are a retired personnel or just want to take a refreshing break from daily humdrum, you will find our Creative Retreats just right for you ! Our retreats will engage you with new inspiration through creative activities. If you would like to stay informed of our creative retreats, follow us on Facebook /designstepsindia. You can also call, email or message us by clicking here !

Want To Know More ?

If you need more information on any of our services listed on this page, we will be happy to assist. Please just call us, email or message by clicking this button.